1、comeon .作文翻译:嘿。大家都很好,学校足球俱乐部开张了,欢迎朋友们加入足球队。我们的训练时间是三周三下午三点,地点是学校体育馆。我们有最专业的教练,很好的训练计划和训练条件。有很多小伙伴,来吧。
2、The main goal of English Club is to raise students interest in learning English and help them to improve. Welcome to join us!翻译 大家好。
3、chess club if you already know how to play chess,join us now。 every Tuesday evening 7~9p.翻译:俱乐部是我们可以交朋友和放松的地方。那里有音乐,你可以随着音乐跳舞。同时,你也可以结交和你有共同兴趣的朋友。
and sometimes they will have some party,eat some cookies,some chocolates,some fruits,some drinks.I think that it was interesting,enjoyed.社会俱乐部你会和许多外国人一起用英语交流。
The main goal of English Club is to raise students interest in learning English and help them to improve. Welcome to join us!翻译 大家好。
and sometimes they will have some party,eat some cookies,some chocolates,some fruits,some drinks.I think that it was interesting,enjoyed.社会俱乐部你会和许多外国人一起用英语交流。
The main goal of English Club is to raise students interest in learning English and help them to improve. Welcome to join us!翻译 大家好。
both to practise my English and to make friends.我是六年级二班的学生。我想加入英语俱乐部。我非常喜欢英语,但不是很擅长,所以我想加入这个俱乐部来提高我的英语。我认为这是一个既能练习英语又能交友的好地方。
到此,以上就是小编对于关于clubs in our school的范文的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍的几点解答对大家有用,有任何问题和不懂的,欢迎各位老师在评论区讨论,给我留言。